Glass Ceiling Discrimination Blog

4 signs your company may have a glass ceiling

You’ve performed impressively in an upper management position at your company but, despite trying multiple times and having excellent qualifications, you still haven’t been able to reach that final level of the executive pyramid. Not wanting ...

Muslim employee who was allegedly told to remove that “rag” from her head gets new day in court

A federal appellate court ruled yesterday that a Muslim employee of Astoria Bank who was allegedly subjected to a “steady barrage” of shameful racist and anti-Muslim statements should be allowed to present her hostile work ...

High profile glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case settles

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently announced that it had settled a long-running glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case on behalf of female employees against Sterling Jewelers. The main focus of the EEOC’s complaint alleged that Sterling ...
Bachman Law; best employment lawyer

3 reasons the “after-acquired evidence” defense matters in your employment discrimination case

If you’re considering filing a complaint against your employer because you think you’ve been discriminated against at work, you should know about the “after-acquired evidence” defense, which your company may assert. What is after-acquired evidence? ...

$35 million settlement reached in race discrimination/glass ceiling case

African-American financial advisors at Wells Fargo have reached a proposed $35 million settlement to resolve their class action lawsuit, which asserts that a racial glass ceiling for promotions and pay existed at the company.  A federal judge in ...

Lawsuit claims shocking sex harassment against female farm workers

In a complaint filed yesterday in federal court, the Attorney General of Washington alleged that an agricultural company allowed extreme unlawful sexual harassment against its female employees.  Indeed, the lawsuit claims that “sexual harassment of female farm workers ...

Promotion discrimination cases, arbitration, and the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court occasionally rules on issues related to arbitration agreements and class action requirements and these decisions have a major impact on the size, scope, and prospects of future promotion discrimination and other employment ...
glass ceiling lawyer; gender discrimination lawyer; top employment lawyer; Bachman Law

Breaching the glass ceiling through individual and class action cases

You think your employer has a glass ceiling and discriminated against you when you were passed over for a recent promotion.  Whether your company overlooked you because of your gender, race, national origin, or sexual orientation, an ...

“Orchestrating impartiality:” glass ceiling discrimination and blind auditions

“Orchestrating impartiality:” blind auditions and cracking the glass ceiling in symphonies “I just don’t think women should be in an orchestra.”  This candidly biased statement by an orchestra conductor who was prominent in the 1960’s ...
glass ceiling discrimination lawyer; glass ceiling; Bachman Law; Eric Bachman

Proving glass ceiling discrimination

How can I prove “glass ceiling”/promotion discrimination? You believe your employer did not promote you because of your gender, race, national origin, religion, or other protected characteristic, and you tried unsuccessfully to informally resolve the ...

4 signs your company may have a glass ceiling

You’ve performed impressively in an upper management position at your company but, despite trying multiple times and having excellent qualifications, you still haven’t been able to reach that final level of the executive pyramid. Not wanting

High profile glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case settles

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently announced that it had settled a long-running glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case on behalf of female employees against Sterling Jewelers. The main focus of the EEOC’s complaint alleged that Sterling

Lawsuit claims shocking sex harassment against female farm workers

In a complaint filed yesterday in federal court, the Attorney General of Washington alleged that an agricultural company allowed extreme unlawful sexual harassment against its female employees.  Indeed, the lawsuit claims that “sexual harassment of female farm workers

glass ceiling discrimination lawyer; glass ceiling; Bachman Law; Eric Bachman

Proving glass ceiling discrimination

How can I prove “glass ceiling”/promotion discrimination? You believe your employer did not promote you because of your gender, race, national origin, religion, or other protected characteristic, and you tried unsuccessfully to informally resolve the

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