Equal Pay Act lawyer

Equal Pay Act; Equal Pay Act lawyer; Bachman Law; employment discrimination lawyer

The Equal Pay Act: 60 years of progress toward closing the pay gap

Sixty years ago Congress passed the Equal Pay Act, which has resulted in significant gains for female employees toward achieving “equal pay for equal work.” What Does The Equal Pay Act Do? The Equal Pay Act ...
employment discrimination lawyer; Bachman Law; Eric Bachman

New appellate ruling tackles common issues in employment discrimination cases

A federal appeals court this month ruled in favor of the plaintiff in an employment discrimination case that addresses common defenses and legal issues that arise in Title VII, Equal Pay Act, and related laws. ...

“Retention raises” may be unlawful employment discrimination, says federal appeals court

An opinion from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this year, Freyd v. Oregon, clarifies what may constitute unintentional, but still illegal, discrimination under federal anti-discrimination laws. This ruling on the use of “retention raises” ...

Equal Pay Day and the continuing importance of the Equal Pay Act

Equal Pay Day is the date (March 24) that symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in 2020. Progress has been made in narrowing the gap between what ...
employment discrimination lawyer; gender discrimination lawyer; Bachman Law; Eric Bachman

Ruling in gender pay discrimination case: past earnings cannot justify pay discrimination

One of the most hotly debated topics in employment law is whether basing employees’ salaries on past earnings is a sex-neutral policy or, instead, it amounts to pay discrimination. In Aileen Rizzo v. Jim Yovino, ...

Appellate reversal in favor of plaintiffs in Equal Pay Act class action case against Sterling Jewelers

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued an important ruling in the Equal Pay Act class action against Sterling Jewelers.  The class action case alleges that Sterling Jewelers had a glass ceiling ...
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