Glass Ceiling Discrimination Blog

“Concrete ceiling” in corporate America remains for women of color

A new study by McKinsey & Co. and LeanIn.Org reveals that women remain significantly underrepresented in companies and corporate boardrooms across the county.  This glass ceiling and gender gap still exists despite the fact that ...

Strength in numbers: how to use evidence of discrimination against other employees

In glass ceiling, promotion discrimination, and harassment cases, an important source of information is often the way in which the company has treated other employees. For example, in a race discrimination glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case, ...

Glass ceiling discrimination and harassment in the economics field

A recent paper on the glass ceiling and sexual harassment in the economics field has received a lot of attention.  Like many industries, the economics field is still dominated by men.  And to dig deeper into ...
iStock 1263503837

$40 million arbitration award in gender employment discrimination case

Earlier this summer, Alexis Berger, a former Senior Vice President, was awarded over $40 million by an arbitrator in her gender employment discrimination case.  The defendant is Kargo, which is a mobile advertising firm. As ...
race discrimination lawyer; top race discrimination attorney; top Title VII lawyer

Appeals court: “sand ni**er,” and other epithets do not create hostile work environment

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals decided earlier this year that, although an employee was subjected to  “morally repulsive” comments — like being called a “camel jockey” and “sand ni**er” — he had not suffered ...
gender discrimination lawyer; top sex discrimination attorney; Bachman Law

Fortune 500 glass ceiling endures: only 5% of CEOs are women

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, the number of female CEO’s among Fortune 500 companies has dwindled to just 5.4% (27 out of 500).  This statistic alone helps illustrate the persistent presence of glass ...

What is “discovery” in an employment discrimination case?

You’ve filed a promotion discrimination, sexual harassment, or other employment discrimination lawsuit in court, so what happens next?  Perhaps the most important, and certainly the most time-consuming, part of a court case is what’s called ...

How do I show I’m the better-qualified candidate in a promotion discrimination / glass ceiling case?

You’ve been working in a high-level position with your company for years, and were recently passed over again for a promotion in favor of someone you think is clearly less qualified.  But that begs a ...

Women of color scientists report rampant sexual and racial harassment

A recent study found that in astronomy and planetary science fields, “women of color experienced the most hostile environment, from the negative remarks observed to their direct experiences of verbal and physical harassment.” This conclusion is ...

The nuts and bolts of back pay damages in employment discrimination cases

What are back pay damages? In an employment discrimination lawsuit under Title VII, the basic definition of back pay damages is that it gives you the money and fringe benefits you would have earned had ...

What is “discovery” in an employment discrimination case?

You’ve filed a promotion discrimination, sexual harassment, or other employment discrimination lawsuit in court, so what happens next?  Perhaps the most important, and certainly the most time-consuming, part of a court case is what’s called

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