Glass Ceiling Discrimination Blog

Class action contends that NYPD has a glass ceiling for African-American detectives

A class action case filed in federal court claims that African-American detectives in the New York Police Department (NYPD) are illegally excluded from higher-level promotions within the detective rank (aka the glass ceiling). The lawsuit ...

A vicious cycle: how the glass ceiling fuels workplace sexual harassment

High-profile sexual harassment cases and issues have been splashed all over the news for months now.  What sometimes gets lost in the conversation, however, is the fact that the dearth of women in the most ...

The interplay between Title VII and the Equal Pay Act and why it matters in your pay discrimination claim

Two of the main federal laws that help ensure female employees are paid the same as their male counterparts are Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Equal Pay Act (EPA).  Although both ...

Shredding the documents? Evidence preservation issues highlighted in employment discrimination case

It’s not often a federal judge starts their opinion this way: John Hiatt, a critically-acclaimed rock guitarist, pianist, singer, and songwriter whose songs have been covered by B.B. King, Bob Dylan, Bonnie Raitt, Buddy Guy, ...

The EEOC’s new, online system for filing employment discrimination charges: what you need to know

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) launched a new, online system for filing and tracking certain charges of workplace discrimination on November 1, 2017. “This secure online system makes the EEOC and an individual’s charge ...

The “bamboo ceiling” and the lack of Asian-American executives in Silicon Valley

Much attention has rightly been focused on the glass ceiling discrimination that exists in many of the most profitable industries in America, including the financial and technology sectors. One issue, however, that has not been explored ...

The wage gap personified: compared to men, women will work the last 10 weeks of the year for free

“The median salary for women working full-time is about 80 percent of men’s,” the Washington Post recently reported in a fascinating, in-depth analysis of the gender wage gap. “That gap, put in other terms, means ...

Eric Bachman interviewed about the impact of arbitration agreements on sexual harassment cases

Eric Bachman was recently interviewed on “The Why” news program to discuss the interplay between arbitration agreements and sexual harassment and employment discrimination cases. What is arbitration? When parties agree to arbitrate, it generally means ...

Sexual harassment at work need not be headline-grabbing to be actionable

With all the news stories about sexual harassment allegations in Hollywood, the tech industry, and the media, it may seem like the only viable harassment claims are those with blatant evidence and, in some cases, ...
sex harassment lawyer; Bachman Law

Information and resources to help employees combat sexual harassment

The recent high-profile sexual harassment claims involving Harvey Weinstein, Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes at Fox News, Uber, and elsewhere are timely reminders about the persistent problem of sexual harassment in workplaces around the country. ...
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