
Glass ceiling discrimination defined

“Glass ceiling” discrimination defined Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “glass ceiling” used around the office and in the media, and wondered what exactly it meant in a legal context.  The answer is that a glass ceiling ...

Washington Post: Bipartisan Hill Leaders Warn the White House on Whistleblowers

Eric Bachman quoted in Washington Post article on the importance of whistleblower protections.

Government Executive: Trump’s Agency Gag Orders Draw Bipartisan Criticism

Eric Bachman quoted in article about use of gag orders in federal agencies.

E&E News: Lawmakers Concerned for Whistleblowers Under Trump

Eric Bachman quoted in article about the plight of whistleblowers under President Trump’s administration.

Five Years Later: A Review of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act

“Five Years Later: A Review of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act”, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Operations.

An Examination of VA’s Misuse of Employee Settlement Agreements

“An Examination of VA’s Misuse of Employee Settlement Agreements”, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

Federal Handbooks: OSC Takes Lead in Fighting for Whistleblower Rights

Eric Bachman quoted in article about OSC’s important role in protecting federal whistleblowers.

Federal News Radio Interviews Eric Bachman from Office of Special Counsel

Eric Bachman interviewed about whistleblower retaliation cases investigated by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.

Washington Post: VA Uses Patient Privacy To Go After Whistleblowers Critics Say

Eric Bachman quoted in Washington Post article on ways in which whistleblowers are targeted for speaking up

AZ Central: Whistleblowers Rip VA at Congressional Hearing

Bachman’s congressional testimony regarding whistleblowers at the Department of Veterans Affairs is quoted.

Glass ceiling discrimination defined

“Glass ceiling” discrimination defined Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “glass ceiling” used around the office and in the media, and wondered what exactly it meant in a legal context.  The answer is that a glass ceiling

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