glass ceiling discrimination

gender discrimination lawyer; top sex discrimination attorney; Bachman Law

Fortune 500 glass ceiling endures: only 5% of CEOs are women

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, the number of female CEO’s among Fortune 500 companies has dwindled to just 5.4% (27 out of 500).  This statistic alone helps illustrate the persistent presence of glass ...

How do I show I’m the better-qualified candidate in a promotion discrimination / glass ceiling case?

You’ve been working in a high-level position with your company for years, and were recently passed over again for a promotion in favor of someone you think is clearly less qualified.  But that begs a ...

Sex harassment and constructive discharge case headed to trial

A federal court denied summary judgment in a recent case involving sexual harassment, constructive discharge, and retaliation claims, clearing the way for a jury trial. The ruling is notable because it is relatively rare for a court ...

The Uber sexual harassment and diversity report: 5 key takeaways

Former Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. recently released portions of his law firm’s report and recommendations to Uber on sexual harassment and lack of diversity problems within the company. Here are five of the recommendations ...

New Title VII promotion discrimination decision explores pretext analysis This past week, a federal district court in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued a decision analyzing the pretext stage in a Title VII promotion discrimination case.  In McLaughlin v. ...

What is “constructive discharge” and how does it relate to my employment discrimination case?

Lawyers occasionally refer to a “constructive discharge” claim when talking about an employee who has involuntarily resigned from their job.  Sometimes it’s referred to as constructive termination, constructive dismissal, or constructive discharge.  But it all boils ...

Who is considered a “similarly situated employee” in my employment discrimination case?

In a glass ceiling or other employment discrimination case, one of the factors a court will likely analyze is how the company treated you compared to other “similarly situated employees.” The precise definition of who ...

4 signs your company may have a glass ceiling

You’ve performed impressively in an upper management position at your company but, despite trying multiple times and having excellent qualifications, you still haven’t been able to reach that final level of the executive pyramid. Not wanting ...

High profile glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case settles

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently announced that it had settled a long-running glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case on behalf of female employees against Sterling Jewelers. The main focus of the EEOC’s complaint alleged that Sterling ...
Bachman Law; best employment lawyer

3 reasons the “after-acquired evidence” defense matters in your employment discrimination case

If you’re considering filing a complaint against your employer because you think you’ve been discriminated against at work, you should know about the “after-acquired evidence” defense, which your company may assert. What is after-acquired evidence? ...

4 signs your company may have a glass ceiling

You’ve performed impressively in an upper management position at your company but, despite trying multiple times and having excellent qualifications, you still haven’t been able to reach that final level of the executive pyramid. Not wanting

High profile glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case settles

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently announced that it had settled a long-running glass ceiling/promotion discrimination case on behalf of female employees against Sterling Jewelers. The main focus of the EEOC’s complaint alleged that Sterling

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