Bachman Law and Joseph Greenwald & Laake file class action race discrimination case against Maryland State Police

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Bachman Law, along with co-counsel, filed a class action race discrimination case against the Maryland State Police in federal court yesterday.

Our clients include numerous Maryland State Police Officers of Color who allege systemic race, color, and/or national origin discrimination in denial of promotions, unwarranted discipline, and the creation of a hostile work environment. The incidents in the complaint include:

  • a Black officer who allegedly made a one-hour error in reporting his time card suffered a nearly one-year suspension by the MSP
  • a training dummy at a MSP shooting range was dressed up in blackface and an “Afro wig”
  • the MSP makes discriminatory decisions about promotions and discipline through centralized practices that unlawfully disadvantage Officers of Color
01_ Tribue et. al. v MSP Complaint 10.24.22


Co-counsel, Jay Holland and Michal Shinnar, with Joseph Greenwald & Laake, PA noted that, “we look forward to litigating this case and making sure Officers of Color at the MSP are treated fairly and holding the MSP responsible for their actions,” in a statement to NPR. “The officers in the Complaint, the other officers with claims at EEOC, and officers of color around the State of Maryland put their lives on the line, and in exchange simply want to be treated equally,” Shinnar added.

The United States Department of Justice also announced recently that it has opened a pattern or practice discrimination investigation into the Maryland State Police’s employment practices.

Stay tuned for more information on this case as it proceeds in court and as we work to hold the Maryland State Police accountable and to vindicate our clients’ legal right to be free from discrimination at work.

If you have experienced employment discrimination or whistleblower retaliation, call a top rated employment attorney at (202) 769-1681, or start your preliminary consultation online.


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