What is the deadline to file an age discrimination case?

For an age discrimination case, an employee needs to file a charge of discrimination within 180 calendar days from the day the discrimination took place. The 180 calendar day filing deadline is extended to 300 calendar days if a state or local agency enforces a law that prohibits employment discrimination on the same basis.

NOTE: For age discrimination, the filing deadline is only extended to 300 days if there is a state law prohibiting age discrimination in employment and a state agency or authority enforcing that law. The deadline is not extended if only a local law prohibits age discrimination.

NOTE II: federal employees and applicants have a different complaint process, and generally must contact an agency EEO Counselor within 45 days of the discriminatory act. 

Talk with an age discrimination lawyer to maximize your potential damages. If you have experienced workplace discrimination or whistleblower retaliation, call us at (202) 769-1681, or start your preliminary consultation online

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