Eric Bachman interviewed about concrete steps to deal with sexual harassment issues at work


Eric Bachman recently had an in-depth interview about sexual harassment issues at work with Stella Grizont of Woopah, who is an executive coach to Fortune 500 leaders.

The topics covered included:

  • how to differentiate between simply obnoxious behavior and illegal sexual harassment;
  • what can you do to nip harassment in the bud or formally complain if it continues;
  • the importance of “tone at the top” in corporate settings to effectively communicate that harassment will not be tolerated

Hiring an experienced sexual harassment lawyer

Hiring a proven and effective advocate is critical to obtaining the maximum recovery in a sexual harassment case.  Eric Bachman has substantial experience litigating precedent-setting individual and class action discrimination cases.   His wins include a $100 million settlement in a disparate impact Title VII class action.  Having served as Special Litigation Counsel in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice and as lead or co-counsel in numerous jury trials, Bachman is trial-tested and ready to fight for you to obtain the relief that you deserve.

Bachman writes frequently on topics related to promotion discrimination, harassment, and other employment discrimination issues at the Glass Ceiling Discrimination Blog., which the ABA Journal recently named a top legal blog.

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